Sunday, September 29, 2013

Believe me, I don't really like controversy.

Last Thursday, I perused our Logan newspaper and felt troubled by the smug and mocking tone of the featured editorial by Kathy Archer called Shaking my head over LDS Priesthood protest.  I knew by the headline that I would be in trouble if I read it and I was. I don't like controversy, though if you know how many times I express a controversial opinion in the newspaper, on my blog, or elsewhere, you'd find this hard to believe. But really, I go through a gut-wrenching period before I get out the lap top. I don't like to offend people, but ever since Jr High, I've found myself standing up for the minority rights. In this case, it was the right to ask that LDS church leaders inquire of the Lord on the matter of ordination of the priesthood for women. This is a controversy that I've tried to stay out of. But today I dipped my toe in by my letter to the editor being printed in today's Sunday paper. Here it is.

Ordain Women’ reaction hurtful

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Posted: Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:15 am

To the editor:

It’s perplexing when leaving is offered to members of my church who have a complaint, legitimate or otherwise. The “like it or leave” attitude is far from what I would hope of the gospel who claims Jesus at its head. Jesus said, “Come all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” My hope is that the 10 percent of sisters who aren’t satisfied with the status quo are still welcomed to stay members of the fold.
For Mormons, a scripture from the New Testament is important because it lead a young Jospeh Smith to inquire of the Lord. “… Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Whether a person agrees with the Ordain Woman movement or not is less important than recognizing that they are for the most part faithful women with hearts open to inquiry. They have asked only that their leaders inquire of the Lord on this matter. 
Joseph Smith said: “ … we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” It may be in this light that the Ordain Women movement began. Though I’m not directly a part of the movement, I extend an open arm to my sisters in the gospel who stand at the door and knock. Remember the Word of Wisdom came about because Emma Smith complained about tobacco spittle that she had to clean up after meetings (so the story goes). Only then did Jospeh Smith pray and receive the revelation. Remember that in the early days of the LDS church, and even until 1920, women in the church were allowed and even encouraged to give blessings by the laying on of hands to their children and to each other.
In the next decades as our young girls reach adulthood; they may not be so content with the role that has been delineated for them. Is asking them to find the exit really the best course?
C.J. Warburton


  1. Carole, you make some very good points in this argument. I feel like I've been so accepting of things as they are, but I really give pause as I consider your scripture reference and the fact that women APPEARED to have priesthood power....until about 1920. (Was that because all their men were gone--preaching the gospel as they served missions?). I appreciate your perspective. I have lots to think about!

  2. Teresa, Thanks for the comment. No it didn't have to do anything with men being gone. The women didn't actually have the priesthood, but gave blessings to their children and women especially who were going into labor. There is lots of documentation to this. I'll try to find exact references for you. I can't remember which prophet said when asked about women giving healing blessings "there can be no evil in it."
